On Wed, 03 Jul 1996 23:08:53 -0700, hrommel@unm.edu (Quadratic
Avenger) wrote:
>> they don't want more security hassles than they already have
>> with all the hype about ufo's and that shit...
>TRue. But don't worry, ID4 represents the end of Area 51 as we know it;
>they're already packing their bags, don't you worry... And believe me,
>there are plenty more places in the Southwest to set up ops! (can you say
>Southern Colorado, kids??? I knew you could...)
What about the two sites in OHIO ????
You know the underground ones....
I suppose y'all haven't heard of teh underground testing facility run
by Sandia Labs either.. http://www.sandia.gov
By the way this is a REAL interesting site.....
>> how the hell are we (as a country) gonna develop cutting edge
>> technology if we don't have secret areas ???
>> jeeze, get a clue !
>Uh, yeah, what he said. No argument here. Let's bag the Area 51
>schlameal. The..ahem..."military" knows we know that they know what we
>wish we knew and they already know. ID4 is a propaganda machine, make no
>mistake about it. However, it doesn't mean that we're being prepped for a
>"revealing". The armed forces have plenty of other reasons to back this
>flick, like, perhaps, boosting support and morale. The Area 51 refs are
>moot; the military conveniently "dropped out" towards the end to avoid a
>PR conundrum, C'est Tout.
>Though it may end up causing more trouble than they had ever intentioned...
>Quadratic Avenger
>"New ideas come to be accepted not because their opponents come to believe in them, but because their opponents die and a new generation becomes accustomed to them" (-Plank's other constant-)